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Muscat City
Muscat is Oman's financial and trade centre. Hamad bin Said took Muscat as Oman's capital from Rustaq between 1779-1792 and this has never since been contested. Today, under the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, Muscat has improved beyond recognition, but has never lost its pride in its heritage and culture. The capital area is a prime example of intelligent and aesthetic development, blending the ancient and modern.
Nizwa Castle
Set amid a verdant spread of date palms Nizwa Castle is a powerful reminder of the town of Nizwa's invincibility through turbulent periods in Oman's long history. The town of Nizwa has a strategic location at the crossroads of vital caravan routes linking interior, Muscat and Dhofar regions. Nizwa was declared the capital of Oman in the 17th century during the reign of Imam Sultan Bin Saif Al-Ya'arubi, who built and used the castle as his headquarters.
The most striking feature of the castle is the central tower-a colossal 150-feet-diameter circular tower soaring 115 feet above the rest of fortification, complete with battlements, turrets, secret shafts, false doors and wells.
Nakhl Castle
Located in Al-Batina region, the castle sets on top of a 200-metre rocky prominance in the foothills of the Western Hajar Mountains, overlooking the extended verdant palm farms of Nakhl countryside which gave the castle its name.
The castle is believed to be dated to pre Islamic period and was restored in the 3rd & 10th century A.H. during the reign of Bani Kharous and Ya'aribah Imams, respectively. The gate, fence and towers were built during the reign of Imam Said bin Sultan in 1834. In 1990, restoration work began, using traditional building materials and period furnishings.
Bahla Castle
Located in Bahla; Ad-Dakhliyah region, the Castle is one of the oldest remaining strongholds in Oman and has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1988.
The Castle is a walled triangular-shaped building, with its wall stretching for 12 Km surrounding the old town of Bahla. The main structures of the Castle are located on a high land in the eastern corner, with some parts are thought dated back to the Pre-Islamic period. The Castle encompasses 132 watchtowers with guardrooms.
Wadi Shab
The Wadi is 76 Km from Qurayyat-Muscat. The road to the wadi dips as it crosses the bed of the ravine and rises steeply on the other side where the houses of Tiwi cling to the cliffs. At the mouth of the wadi is a single beach dotted with fishing boats.
Water flows all year round. The wadi runs through a narrow gorge with date plantations, restful pools and lush vegetation. Oleander bushes attract butterflies and the singing of the birds is delightful.
Ash-Sharqiyah Sands (also known as Wahiba Sands) offer the romantic visitor desert in the accepted sense of the word. Rolling sand dunes, varying from deep red to a rich honey colour sands stretching as far as the eye can see.
The Sands stretch for 180 Km from north to south and 80 Km from east to west. They consist of grains of various eroded rocks and marine sediments blown into the area.
Sand driving requires skill, boards for digging out and a long tow rope in case one gets stuck. It is recommended thus to take one of the organised tours from Muscat which are led by knowledgeable guides.
Jabrin Castle
Located in Jibrin town in Wilayat Bahla; Ad-Dakhliyah region, Jibrin Fort resembles a remarkable blend of defensive architecture and sophisticated artistry. It consists of three floors and 55 rooms, and is penetrated by Falaj Jibrin.
The Fort is considered one of the most impressive forts in the Sultanate and the details and carvings in the rooms and balconies are most elaborate. Finely painted flowers and symbols are found on the ceilings in the 'living' rooms. This exquisite palace was built by Bala'rab bin Sultan Al-Ya'arubi (1680-1692 AD). The tomb of Imam remains within the Fort. Was restored and furnished in 1982
Wadi Daikah
Known as the Devil's Gap, Wadi Dayqah was described by explorer S. B. Miles in 1896 as "the most singular piece of earth sculpture in Arabia". The wadi runs through a narrow winding vertical-sided canyon that looks as though the mountain has been split in two. The walls soar to 1,700 meters and close in to 12 meters in some places.
When it rains, the waters of the surrounding wadis and tributaries drain and pour through the canyon that can sweep away everything in its path. Swimming, or at the very least, deep wading, is usually necessary, especially when crossing deep pools and channels that lie beyond the huge boulders. The alterantive would be to scramble around these boulders.
Wadi Ghul
It is located approx 15 Kms from Al Hamra. Over here one can see an abandoned persian village perched on the sides of a steep cliff. Wadi ghul has a recharged dam built to stop floodwaters from washing into Al Hamra and to allow water to be stored and drained down into the Wadi bed.
Jabal Akhdar
At about 10,000 feet above sea level, Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar (The Green Mountain) is the highest peak in the Eastern Hajar mountains and one of the highest points in the Sultanate. The thrilling views from the Jabal, as well as its balmy climate, are among the qualities that distinguish it as one of the top tourism spots in Oman.
The summer does not exceed 30 C° on the Jabal, while in winter the temperature can plunge below 5 C°. The Jabal receives an annual average of 303 mm of rainfall. The higher planes of the mountain are densely populated with lush vegetations comprising fruit trees, flowers and shrubs, which gives rise to the name. Some 54 nuclear communities sprinkled over different levels on the mountain, have clusters of farms growing pomegranates, apricots, peaches, cherries and walnuts.
Sohar was the main city of trade centuries ago. The city is renowned for its copper deposits, and archaeological evidence points to copper extraction being carried out 5,000 years ago. There are still three copper mines in operation in Sohar with over 18 million tons of copper deposits.
The city is an attractive region for tourists due to its clean, safe beaches and the plethora of archaeological features. One of the first references to 'Sohar' is in the work of historian, Yaqut Al-Hamawi who implies that the city took its name in the 6th century AH from a descendent of Noah: Sohar bin Adam bin Sam bin Noah. When the Palestinian Arab scholar Muqadisi visited the city in the 10th century AH, he described it as a "flourishing city with a large number of people living there. It is a beautiful city with a comfortable life, ...and its mosque overlooks the sea ... the Mihrab changes colour because it is covered in copper...".
The well-fortified ancient city of Samhuram is thought to date back to 3,000 BC. It was the principal port from which frankincense was shipped in ancient times, the first leg of its journey being a 650-Km voyage to Qana in present-day Yemen. The ruins, built to withstand attack by sea or land, still bear witness to frankincense preciousness and its economic importance.
The city of Salalah, the administrative capital of Dhofar Governorate, lies on the Arabian Sea, around 1,040 Km from Muscat. The city has been subject to many historical and archaeological studies over the years and evidence has been found in the form of writing, inscriptions and signs indicating that a number of different civilisations have succeeded each other here, such as the ruins of Al-Blaid and Samhuram ancient cities. The city also encapasses Nabi Ayoub (Jacob) Tomb, housed in a small destictive doomed building surrounded by green hills as well as the Tomb of Prophit Omran.
Located in A'Sharqiyah, Qlahat is one of the oldest towns and seaports in Oman. The original town stood on a cliff overlooking the sea, but today only remnants of the city walls remain. In the 13th century, it was the main port of trade with the interior and was famous for its export of horses to, and import of spices from India. In the 14th century, the town was destroyed by a major earthquake.
When the Portuguese occupied the area in the early 16th century, they made the town their outermost stronghold until they were evicted towards the end of the century. The town soon declined to become an outpost of Sur.
Sea Turtles
Seaturtles are attracted to Oman's shores and turtle breeding reserves are located at Ras Al-Hadd and the Dimaniyyat Islands. Oman has a profusion of exotic marine life and some of the best dive sites in the world. In particular, the Hallaniyat Islands and the Dimaniyyat Islands offer chances to see beautifully coloured tropical fish and unusual hard and soft corals.