Five Lands (Cinque Terre) - Riomaggiore: Torre Guardiola
The promontory overlooking Cape Montenero, known as Torre Guardiola, formerly a Royal Navy fortification known as 'Batteria Racchia', has been object of an arduous process of recovery. The area, commonly known by the inhabitants of Riomaggiore as Batteria (the battery), had already been made available by the Park as a botanical garden and sighting area for Bird-Watching. The bunkers, transformed into modern facilities and study rooms, now welcome visitors and students. You can attend courses, see multimedia databases and scientific texts on local plant and animal species, as well as to access all the information regarding the historical territory of the park. A big and modern conference room is available for meetings and seminars, with a spectacular panoramic living room for coffee breaks. In the photo the bar and the restaurant of Torre Guardiola. © Manuela Cancian - See the Five Lands (Cinque Terre) map with a complete picture set.

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Cinque Terre, anzi sette. E dintorni | Da Camogli a Portofino | Five Lands (Cinque Terre) | From Camogli to Portofino | Parco regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle di Curone | Sardegna: selvaggio blu | Sicilia, arte e mare | Sicilia, i luoghi della Mitologia e della Storia | Valle del Lambro: tragitti, ville, cascine e aree verdi