Five Lands (Cinque Terre) - Manarola
The country, completely surrounded by hills cultivated with vineyards, is perched on a spur of rock that emerges from the sea, and faces with its houses on a small and colorful harbor. It is structured around the course of the stream Groppo, now covered. In the upper side of the country there is the 'piazza' that concentrates the religious buildings, including the parish church of San Lorenzo (1338) in Gothic style, the oratory and the bell tower. © Claudio Camanini - See the Five Lands (Cinque Terre) map with a complete picture set.

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Cinque Terre, anzi sette. E dintorni | Da Camogli a Portofino | Five Lands (Cinque Terre) | From Camogli to Portofino | Parco regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle di Curone | Sardegna: selvaggio blu | Sicilia, arte e mare | Sicilia, i luoghi della Mitologia e della Storia | Valle del Lambro: tragitti, ville, cascine e aree verdi