Five Lands (Cinque Terre) - Bonassola: Oratorio di Sant'Erasmo
Oratorio di Sant'Erasmo, placed on rock formations that close the beach to the west. Dates from the early sixteenth century and is dedicated to the patron saint of the sailors art (Arte dei Barcaioli). It looks like a very simple building, preceded by a small yard. The structure has been desecrated and, after a careful restoration, has been used as a site for exhibitions, conferences and other cultural events. © Manuela Cancian - See the Five Lands (Cinque Terre) map with a complete picture set.

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Cinque Terre, anzi sette. E dintorni | Da Camogli a Portofino | Five Lands (Cinque Terre) | From Camogli to Portofino | Parco regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle di Curone | Sardegna: selvaggio blu | Sicilia, arte e mare | Sicilia, i luoghi della Mitologia e della Storia | Valle del Lambro: tragitti, ville, cascine e aree verdi